Geographical border should be the meeting point for enforcement agencies: Shah

Syllabus: GS-II

Subject: Polity

Topic: Institutions

Context: Home Minster Amit Shah’s speech at an international summit on legal education.

Key statements (For Mains)

  1. Geographical borders should serve as meeting points to facilitate seamless law enforcement.
  2.  Utilization of technology and AI is crucial for effective justice delivery in the 21st century.
  3.  Prioritizing infrastructure and human resources is essential for bolstering effective law enforcement efforts. Traditional systems must adapt to address borderless trade disputes and crimes.
  4. Integration of police stations through the Integrated Criminal Justice System (ICJS) facilitates online operations.
  5. Environmental justice is recognized as a crucial aspect of justice delivery, particularly in the context of cross-border challenges posed by issues like climate change
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