Mountains of plastic are choking the Himalayan States

Syllabus: GS-III, Subject: Ecology and Environment, Topic: Waste Management, Issue: Plastic waste management

Plastic Pollution:

  • Plastic pollution has become an all-pervasive phenomenon.
  • Concerns with plastic pollution-
    • Entering food web,
    • affecting biodiversity.
  • Reasons
    • Rapid and unplanned urbanization ,
    • changing production and consumption patterns,
    • High tourist footfalls,
    • Poor plastic waste management
  • Legal mechanisms
    • Solid Waste Management Rules 2016,
    • Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016
    • Extended Producer Responsibility 2022
    • Special law by Himalayan states empower local bodies for waste management.


  • Devolve power to local bodies, Public education campaigns.
  • Ensure collaboration between local bodies and PIBOs ( producers, importers and brand owners)
  • Include traditional institutions within the definition of local bodies
  • Use Swachh Bharat Kosh Trust and corporate social responsibility fund
  • Collaboration between schemes like AMRUT and Smart Cities.
+1 Advantage for mains (Datw)

· The Himalayan Cleanup (2022) waste audit results showed that 92.7% of trash was plastic, with 72% of waste being non-recyclable plastic.


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