Syllabus: GS-III
Subject: Science and Technology
Topic: Medical science and Health
Issue: Vaccine Administration in India
Context: vaccination against cervical cancer
cervical cancer
- As per World Health Organization, cervical cancer is primarily (99%) caused by HPV infection.
- Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common virus transmitted through sexual contact.
- Cervical cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths among Indian women (15 to 44 years) (over 77,000 deaths annually).
- Simple diagnostic tests like VIA and VILI can detect cervical cancer easily at early stage.
- Cryotherapy can effectively treat abnormal growths.
Challenges in India:
- Low screening of cervical cancer in India (under 2%) creates concern in its treatment.
- As the Government is planning for a vaccination programs, the program should be complemented with mandatory screening and treatment at primary health centers.
- A comprehensive national cervical cancer control program accessible to all women is necessary to prevent deaths.
Prelims Connect
·   VIA (Visual inspection with acetic acid) and VILI (Visual inspection with lugol’s iodine) is used for cervical cancer screening. |