How AI can accelerate production and dissemination of election disinformation

Syllabus: GS-III, Subject: Science and technology, Topic: Emerging technology, Issue: Artificial intelligence

Concerns with use of Artificial intelligence (AI) in election:

  • AI can accelerate the production and diffusion of disinformation.
  • AI magnifies the scale of disinformation, creates hyper-realistic deep fakes, and enables micro targeting.
  • Social media companies have reduced fact-checking and election integrity teams.
  • Labeling election-related advertisements generated with AI may not effectively deter misinformation.
  • Creation of deceptive election-related images using AI.

The way ahead:

  • The Indian government sought technical solutions from digital platforms to combat misinformation.
  • Plans for a legal framework against deepfake and disinformation are set for post-elections.
  • The IT Ministry issued an advisory to companies like Google and OpenAI, urging compliance with Indian laws and safeguarding electoral integrity.
+1 Advantage for mains (Case Study & Report)●       A study published in PNAS Nexus forecasts an increase in the use of generative AI for spreading election misinformation.

●       The potential fallout could impact election outcomes in over 50 countries.


●       The World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Perception Survey identifies misinformation and disinformation as top 10 risks.

●       Large-scale AI models with user-friendly interfaces contribute to the proliferation of false information and synthetic content.

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