A bold step towards a cervical cancer-free future

Syllabus: GS-III, Subject: Science and Technology, Topic: Medical Science and Health, Issue: Vaccine administration in India

Cervical Cancer:

  • Cervical cancer caused by Human papillomavirus.
  • It is second most prevalent among women in India (1.27 lakh cases and 80000 death reported annually).

Efforts worldwide to fight Cervical Cancer:

  • The World Health Organization has set ambitious ’90-70-90′ targets by 2030 to eliminate cervical cancer within the next century.
  • Scotland, Australia, Rwanda, and South Asian countries have eliminated cervical cancer through vaccination strategies.
  • Sikkim achieved 97% vaccine coverage through targeted education efforts among various stakeholders.

Vaccination efforts:

  • India’s indigenous Cervavac, priced at ₹2,000 a dose, enhances accessibility and affordability in fighting HPV infections.
  • U-WIN portal: maintain an electronic registry of all immunizations across the country.
    • enable vaccination programmes to be responsive in real time.
  • HPV vaccination not only benefits individual health but also reduces societal and economic burdens related to cervical cancer.

The way ahead for India:

  • Engage communities, dispel misinformation, and strengthen healthcare infrastructure.
  • Ensuring access to vaccination services, especially in underserved populations,
  • Tailoring messages and utilizing diverse channels like social media.
  • Including HPV information in school health education.

Prelims Connect

 90-70-90 target of WHO by 2030

·         90% of girls to be fully vaccinated with the HPV vaccine by the age of 15.

·         70% of women to undergo cervical cancer screening tests by the age of 35 and 45.

·         90% of women diagnosed with cervical cancer to receive treatment.

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