A vaccine that prevents six cancers

Syllabus: GS-III, Subject: Science and technology, Topic: Medical Science and health, Issue: Vaccine Administration in India

Cervical Cancer:

  • Second most common cancer in India and fourth most common in world.
  • Prevention strategies – HPV vaccination and screening for pre-cancerous lesions.
  • WHO’s strategy aims for 90% HPV vaccination coverage, 70% screening by age 35 and 45, and 90% treatment for detected lesions by 2030.
  • Efforts by India– launch of HPV vaccine (2008), G20 presidency emphasizes equitable vaccine access, inclusion in the Universal Immunization Programme (2023)
  • Key issue in HPV vaccination– limited access, high cost in private market, physicians underestimating the incidence and risk of cervical cancer, lack of trust in vaccine safety and effectiveness, myths and misinformation about the HPV vaccine.

The way ahead:

  • Creating awareness, that HPV vaccine can prevent six different type of cancer.
  • Creating physician champions to lead the vaccination drive
One mark extra for mains ( data point)

·         By 2040, India is estimated to have 191,347 new cases of cervical cancer, marking a 54% increase from 2020.

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