Centre plans trust fund for offshore mineral deposits.

Syllabus: GS-III, Subject: Economy Topic: Investment models, Issue: Offshore Areas Mineral Trust (OAMT) fund.

Context: The Centre plans to set up an Offshore Areas Mineral Trust (OAMT) fund.

Offshore mining or deep-sea mining:

  • refers to the process of retrieving mineral deposits from the ocean bed lying below 200 metres.
  • The ministry of mines has identified around 35 offshore mineral blocks on both the East and West coast.
  • Offshore Areas Mineral (Development and Regulation) Act, 2002 was enacted to regulate mining in maritime zones of India.

Offshore Areas Mineral Trust (OAMT) fund:

  • Funded by charging 10% of the royalty paid on the sales of minerals.
  • Will support activities for the
    • benefit of project-affected persons,
    • promoting R&D and exploration activities for offshore minerals.
  • Set up on the lines of National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET).

Offshore Areas Mineral (Development and Regulation) Act, 2002

  • Regulates development and management of mineral resources in India’s territorial waters, continental shelf, exclusive economic zone, and other maritime zones.

Key provisions:

  • Applicability: Covers all minerals in these maritime zones except mineral oils and hydrocarbons.
  • Permissions: Mandates permits, licences, or leases for initial survey, exploration or production activities.
  • Granting Authority: The Central Government
  • Area Management: Allows reservation of specific areas and empowers the government to close certain zones if necessary.

Prelims Connect

National Mineral Exploration Trust

●      Non-profit trust set up by the Government of India in 2015 .

●      Function: Promotes regional and detailed exploration of minerals in India

●      Funding: Receives 2% of the royalty paid by the holder of a mining lease.

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