Efforts to attain self-sufficiency in pulses by 2027: Munda.

Syllabus: GS-III

Subject: Economy

Topic: Agriculture and allied

Issue: Pulses Production in India

Context: Pulses Convention-2024 was organised by the Global Pulses Confederation (GPC) and National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd (NAFED).

Pulses Convention-2024:

  • Aims for self-sufficiency in pulses by 2027.
  • India is already self-reliant in chickpeas and many other pulse crops.
  • The government focuses on increasing domestic pulse production to reduce import dependence.
  • The success of “Bharat Chana Dal” in the market.

Prelims Connect:

Bharat Dal:

  • To make pulses available to consumers at affordable prices, the Government maintains buffer stock of five major pulses, namely, chana, tur, urad, moong and masur under the Price Stabilisation Fund (PSF).
  • Bharat Chana Dal: The Government launched the sale of chana dal in retail packs under the brand name of Bharat Dal at highly subsidized rates.
  • is being distributed through retail outlets of NAFED, NCCF, Kendriya Bhandar and Safal.
  • National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd.(NAFED): set up to promote Co-operative marketing of agricultural produce to benefit the farmers.
    • registered under the Multi State Co-operative Societies Act.

Data Point (+1 Advantage)

Pulses Production in India:

·         India is the world’s largest producer, consumer, and importer of pulses, accounting for 25%, 27%, and 14% respectively.

·         Pulses cover approximately 20% of the total area dedicated to food grains.

·         Among the various types of pulses, gram holds the highest share at around 40% of total production, followed by Tur/Arhar at 15-20%, and Urad/Black Matpe and Moong at approximately 8-10% each.

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