Syllabus: GS- I, Subject: Society and Social justice, Topic: Issues of women, Issue: Increasing women employment Rate
Context: Women’s Urban Employment Guarantee Act
- Women empowerment is essential for reducing gender gap and achieving Sustainable Development Goals.
- MGNREGA has given financial autonomy to rural women.
- Poor employment rate in urban women (22.9%) and high unemployment rate (9%) in urban women comparision to their rural counterpart (4%): Periodic Labour Force Survey.
Women’s Urban Employment Guarantee Act (WUEGA) addressing concerns:
- At least 50% female representation in program management staff.
- Offer essential facilities including childcare, and work must be available within a 5-km radius.
- Free public transportation for women and incentives like automatic inclusion in welfare boards are suggested.
- Apprenticeships for women college students and Information Facilitation Centers for those who completed Class 10.
- Include a social audit unit with at least 50% female staff for independent monitoring.
- Women led initiative can play a key role in social sectors such as Swachh Bharat etc.