IMF raises India’s FY25 growth projection to 6.8%.

Syllabus: GS-III,  Subject: Current affairs,   Topic: Indices and reports, Issue: Growth Projections.

Context: World Economic Outlook report released by International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Growth drivers:

  • Domestic demand and a growing working-age population.
  • Consumer price inflation forecasted to decline gradually.

Challenges:  Rising crude oil prices and global supply chain issues.Top of Form

Prelims Connect (Institutions in news):

International Monetary Funds:

·       Promotes global economic growth, financial stability, and poverty reduction.

·       It provides policy advice, financial assistance, technical assistance, and training to member countries.

·       Key reports include the World Economic Outlook (WEO), Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR), Fiscal Monitor, and Regional Economic Outlook.

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