Meet HAPS: India’s very own UAV that fly 20 km high and floats for months

Syllabus: GS-III

Subject: Science & Technology

Topic: Emerging Technologies.

Issue: High-Altitude Pseudo Satellite (HAPS)

Context: The National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL) in Bengaluru conducted the first successful test flight of a solar-powered high-altitude pseudo satellite vehicle.


High-Altitude Pseudo Satellite (HAPS) is an advanced unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that can enhance India’s surveillance capabilities in border regions.

Key Features:

·       Operates at altitudes of 18-20 km, above commercial airplanes altitude.

·        Powered by solar energy.

·        Capable of extended flight durations, similar to satellite functionality.

·        Launches without a rocket, reducing costs significantly compared to traditional satellites.


·         Beneficial in disaster response efforts.

·         Provides mobile communication networks in remote areas.

·         Supports continuous surveillance of border regions for heightened security.

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